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Blackleg Vaccines for Cattle


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Blackleg, a deadly bacterial disease, lurks in the soil, silently threatening the health and prosperity of your cattle herd. Don't wait for tragedy to strike – take proactive steps with Jeffers' comprehensive range of Cattle Blackleg Vaccines. Our selection empowers you to shield your valuable livestock from this devastating threat, safeguarding their health and ensuring their future.

Why Vaccinate Your Cattle Against Blackleg:

  • Disease Prevention: Safeguard your cattle against blackleg, a bacterial infection that can be fatal if left untreated.
  • Herd Immunity: Boost the overall immunity of your herd, minimizing the risk of disease outbreaks.
  • Health Assurance: Ensure the long-term health and productivity of your cattle with proactive vaccination.
  • Cost-Efficient Protection: Invest in preventive measures to avoid the economic impact of treating blackleg cases.

Protect your cattle's future with Jeffers' Cattle Blackleg Vaccines. From comprehensive protection to targeted solutions, our vaccines are the key to ensuring the well-being and longevity of your valuable herd. Choose with confidence and invest in the health and resilience of your cattle.


Q: How often should I vaccinate my cattle against blackleg?
A: Regular vaccination is recommended, with specific intervals depending on the vaccine type and herd health status.

Q: Can blackleg vaccines be used in combination with other vaccinations?
A: Yes, many of our vaccines offer multi-way protection and can be used in combination with other essential vaccinations.

Q: What are the signs of blackleg in cattle?
A: Look out for sudden onset lameness, swelling, and crepitus in the affected area, as these may indicate blackleg infection.

Q: Are these vaccines suitable for different cattle breeds?
A: Yes, our vaccines are formulated to be effective across various cattle breeds, providing broad protection.

Q: How do blackleg vaccines benefit the overall health of my herd?
A: Vaccination promotes herd immunity, reducing the risk of disease transmission and ensuring a healthier, more productive herd.