Western Saddle Pads
Western saddle pads are the foundation for the comfort of your ride – for both you and your horse. With the goal of happy horses and riders, we offer a diverse selection in many sizes, styles, materials, and colors. The right Western saddle pad doesn’t just ensure the enjoyment of your ride, but it also protects your horse’s back and your saddle, contributes to your saddle’s fit, and safeguards your saddle against slipping.
In addition to our line of all-purpose saddle pads, we offer a great selection of Western saddle pads designed for trail riding, barrel racing, roping, and more. You can also find specialty saddle pads. These include contour saddle pads like our Contour Tacky Too Swayback Saddle Pad, our Contour Trail Saddle Pad, orthopedic saddle pads such as the Reinsman Orthopedic Felt Gel Pad, pony saddle pads, non-slip Western saddle pads like the Tacky Too Non Slip Saddle Pad, and so much more. You will also find a large selection of colors and sizes.
Check more of our collections such as custom saddles, saddle bags, and many more from our online catalog.
If you have questions, please contact us.