International Helmet Awareness Day
Helmet Awareness Day is Saturday, August 1, 2015.
What is International Helmet Awareness Day?
In 2010, Riders4Helmets hosted the first national event designed to educate equestrians on the benefits of wearing a properly fitting, secured and certified helmet. The event brought over 300 U.S.-based retailers and eight helmet manufacturers together, to help educate their customers on topics such as correct helmet fit and why wearing a helmet is important. Since that day, Riders4Helmets has expanded the event globally. International Helmet Awareness Day 2014 received support from 16 helmet manufacturers and equestrian retailers in twelve countries. See some of our antics from previous years' Helmet Awareness Days. - 2013 - - 2012 - - 2010 - From https://www.riders4helmets.com/what-is-ihad/