Jeffers Pet's selection of Digestive Prescriptions for Cats provides essential solutions for feline digestive health. This range includes medications and supplements designed to treat and manage various digestive issues such as indigestion, constipation, and gastrointestinal disorders. Featuring products from brands like PanaKare and Pet's Choice Pharmacy, these digestive aids are crucial for maintaining the digestive well-being of cats, ensuring they can absorb nutrients effectively and maintain overall health.
Rx Digestive Meds for Cats
Rx Metronidazole (Generic) Tablets for Dogs & Cats
Pet's Choice PharmacyRx Metronidazole Tablets Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infection, such as inflammatory bowel disease, nonspecific d...
View full detailsRx PanaKare Plus Tablets for Dogs & Cats
PanakareRx PanaKare Plus Tablets PanaKare Plus is used as a digestive aid in replacement therapy where digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is in...
View full detailsRx Sucralfate (Generic) Tablets for Horses, Dogs, & Cats, 1 gram
SucralfateRx Sucralfate Tablets Stomach ulcers and erosions are relatively common complications of kidney failure bloat (of the stomach) treatment with stero...
View full detailsRx PanaKare Plus Powder for Dogs & Cats
PanakareRx PanaKare Plus Powder PanaKare Plus is a pancreatic enzyme concentrate of porcine origin. It is used as a digestive aid in replacement therapy wh...
View full detailsRx Enulose (Lactulose Solution) for Cats & Dogs, 10gm/15mL
LactuloseRx Lactulose (Enulose) Lactulose Solution is for the treatment of constipation and helps increase the number of bowel movements in cats and dogs. I...
View full detailsRx Epizyme Powder for Dogs & Cats, 12 oz Bottle
EpizymeRx Epizyme PowderEpizyme is activated whole raw pancreas; a pancreatic enzyme concentrate of porcine origin containing standardized amylase, protea...
View full detailsRx Ranitidine (Generic) Tablet for Dogs, Cats, & Horses
Pet's Choice PharmacyRx Ranitidine Tablets, USP Ranitidine is a prescription medication in a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers that work by reducing the produc...
View full detailsRx Lactulose (Generic) Solution for Cats & Dogs, 946 mL
LactuloseRx Lactulose, 946 mL Lactulose Solution is an effective treatment for constipation, promoting laxation and increasing the number of bowel movements...
View full detailsRx Metoclopramide (Generic) Tablets for Dogs & Cats
Pet's Choice PharmacyRx Metoclopramide Tablets Metoclopramide is a prescription medication used to treat nausea, vomiting, and reflux disease in dogs and cats. It is al...
View full detailsRx Famotidine (Generic) Tablets for Dogs & Cats, 10 mg x 70 ct
FamotidineRx Famotidine Tablets, 10 mg x 70 ct Famotidine is in a class of drugs called H2 receptor antagonists. It is used to decrease the amount of stomach...
View full detailsRx Aluminum Hydroxide (Generic) Gel for Dogs & Cats, Mint Flavor
VariesRx Aluminum Hydroxide Gel, Mint Flavor, 16 fl oz Rugby Aluminum Hydroxide Gel is a mint-flavored antacid designed to help reduce symptoms of sour s...
View full detailsRx Sulfasalazine 500 mg Tablets
SulfasalazineRx Sulfasalazine 500 mg Sulfasalazine is and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medication used to treat diseases of the digestive tract including in...
View full detailsRx Veta-K1 (phytonadione) Injection, 100ml
Veta K1Rx Veta-K1 Injection 100ml Veta-K1 Injection is used in dogs, cats and horses to help counter acute hypoprothrombinemia and non-acute hypoprothromb...
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