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Pharmacy - Easy and convenient ordering of animal prescriptions

Save 30% on your first prescription order with code: RX24.

Shop Bravecto


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How to order prescriptions

How to order prescriptions:

  1. Get Prescription From Your Vet - Prescriptions cannot be processed without a valid prescription from your vet.
  2. Find Medication & Add to Cart - Add prescriptions to your cart like any other product. Be sure quantity matches what's been prescribed.
  3. Add Vet & Pet Info - We will contact your veterinarian to verify the prescription.
  4. Checkout - It's that simple. We'll also handle any needed refills.

For assistance, please call 1-800-533-3377 or use live chat.

We've partnered with Pet's Choice Pharmacy for prescriptions, so you can find your animal's medical needs in one place - vaccines, Rx meds, medical supplies, and other animal supplies - all at jeffers.com.

Your animal's health is important to you and that's why we've made animal health our priority. At Jeffers, we carry a variety of Rx pet meds for flea & tick, allergies, arthritis, dermatitis, heartworms, hookworms, infection, inflammation, itching, and more.

Shop confidently with a wide variety of prescriptions like Apoquel for allergies & dermatitis, Nexgard for fleas and ticks, Equioxx for horse arthritis, Heartgard for heartworms, Bravecto for fleas and ticks, Prascend for horse pituitary pars intermedia disorder, Banamine for horse inflammation and pain, Simparica for fleas and ticks, Trifexis for heartworms, Adequan for arthritis, Panacur for deworming, and much more.

Pet's Choice Pharmacy is a member of the National Board of Pharmacies (NABP) and is .Pharmacy verified. They are committed to delivering the highest ethical pharmacy practices and excellent pharmaceutical care for achieving the best optimal health for your pet and animals. Their licensed pharmacy team can fill your animal's prescription, refill prescriptions, and request prescription transfers.

Shop prescription medication for your pets and farm animals at Jeffers!