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Your Pig Eats Like a Pig

pig-on-a-farmEating like a pig isn’t a bad thing… if you’re a pig. Still, a pig is an animal and not a living garbage dump. Keep your swine (and your investment) healthy with some proper feeding habits.

Pig Food

Pigs have a single stomach, so they need to eat two or three meals every day. A good feeding regimen is to give your pig half of its daily ration in the morning and the other half in the evening. If you give a pig all of its food at once, it won’t overindulge like you might anticipate. Once a pig has eaten enough it will play with the rest, or walk through it and even soil it, which is a complete waste of feed (and money).

A pig can eat leftover food scraps, fresh or canned vegetables, fruits, and bread, but commercially prepared pig pellets offer the best nutrition. Add a varied selection of vegetables or grass cuttings to enhance their diet.

Rubber Feeder Tub
Rubber Feeder Tub

Divide the food into different containers for the animals to share — one container for every four or fewer pigs. Feed smaller or weaker pigs separately, or else the stronger ones will push them aside and eat all of their food.


Every pig needs 1-2 gallons of water daily, and sows need extra when they are feeding young or they can’t produce enough milk. Always keep your pigs’ water in the shade so it stays cool, and serve it in a container that can’t be tipped or turned over.

Jeffers has a wide selection of supplies for the care and feeding of your hogs or swine. Round out all your swine care needs in one easy online shopping trip.

If you are looking for products for your pet pig, click here.

If you have questions concerning swine or other livestock, you can call J.R. Miles most weekdays from 9AM (CST) to 5PM (CST) at 1-800-533-3377 x 376 or email him at jrmiles@jefferspet.com.