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Healing from Pet Loss: How to Cope with the Grief of Losing Your Pet

Healing from Pet Loss

No matter how much time we have with them, it’s never long enough with our furry friends. Their lives are so much shorter than ours, even when they live a long time. If you’ve lost a pet, you know how devastating it can be. We can help you find ways to cope with the grief of losing your pet and find healing and solace.



1.   Give Your Grief Validity

Many times, pet owners don’t talk to others about their grief out of fear. They think their family and friends may not understand. If you’ve ever been told, “It’s just a dog,” you understand why it may be hard to open up to others. One of the best things to do is to connect with other people who get the depth of your pain. If you don’t know anyone, there are free resources like rainbowbridge.com.

2.   It Takes Time

Grief comes in stages, and it takes time to heal. When you’re in the thick of it, losing a pet feels like your heart will never be whole again. Remember that bereavement won’t last forever in this way. While you will always feel a void, time will lessen the pain.

3.   Forget Comparisons

Too often, we compare our grief to what others say they have experienced. Your pain is unique to you and might be different from what your friend or family member has felt. Comparing your grief is not healthy and won’t help you. This is your loss, and you must cope with it in your way, not someone else’s.

4.   Guilty Feelings Are Natural

When a pet leaves our lives, many of us feel guilt. We think about all the times we could have spent throwing a ball or taking them to the park. These missed opportunities will get inside your mind but try to remember these are irrational feelings. Making yourself feel worse won’t help you relieve any of the pain you feel. Instead, think of all the happy times and the funny memories made with your best friend. These times will help you get through the tears.

5.   Share Your Love

Sometimes losing a pet is so painful that people say they will never get another one. Rather than making this statement, try to consider all the animals that wish they had the love you have to give. Your pet would want you to share your heart so that another sweet soul will know what it means to be loved. Opening your home to another pet is not only honorable, but it can also be healing.

Finding Peace and Comfort

It takes time to find peace after losing your pet. Don’t rush the process and remember to be kind to yourself during this time. Stressing yourself out won’t alleviate the pain. Time has a way of making the grief tolerable after losing your loyal companion. You may feel lost for a while, but by following the tips in this article, getting through this difficult time will be a bit easier.