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The complete guide to the best dewormers for dogs: What you need to know

Deworming is a critical aspect of canine care, ensuring your furry friend stays healthy and free from harmful parasites. Dogs can be affected by various types of worms, each presenting different health challenges. This guide covers everything you need to know about the best dewormers for dogs, from understanding worm infestations to choosing the right treatment options, including natural remedies and over-the-counter solutions.

Types of Worms That Can Affect Your Dog

Understanding the various types of worms that can infest your dog is crucial for effective prevention and treatment. Here are the primary types of worms that can affect your dog:


Transmission: Roundworms are among the most common parasites in dogs, particularly puppies. They can be transmitted from the mother to her puppies either before birth through the placenta or after birth through her milk. Dogs can also become infected by ingesting contaminated soil or feces that contain roundworm eggs.


  • Pot-bellied appearance (especially in puppies)
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Poor growth
  • Dull coat

Treatment: Dewormers containing pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole are commonly used to treat roundworms. Regular fecal exams are recommended to ensure the infestation is fully cleared.

Best dewormer for roundworms

safeguard canine dewormer fenbendazole

Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer

Safe-Guard Dog Dewormer Granules (22.2% Fenbendazole) for dogs and puppies over 6 weeks of age. Fenbendazole is the same ingredient found in Panacur (or Panacur-C) for dogs.

Customer Review

PJ from Floral says, “I have used safeguard for many years and will use nothing else. It has always done a good job. Easy to use and economical.”


Transmission: Hookworms are blood-sucking parasites that can be contracted through ingestion of larvae from contaminated soil or feces, as well as through the skin (percutaneous transmission). Puppies can also acquire hookworms from their mother’s milk.


  • Severe anemia (especially in young puppies)
  • Weakness
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Pale gums

Treatment: Dewormers containing pyrantel pamoate, fenbendazole, or milbemycin oxime are effective against hookworms. Preventative measures include regular fecal examinations and maintaining clean living environments.

Best dewormer for Hookworms

durvet liquid dewormer for dogs and puppies

Durvet Liquid Canine Wormer

This palatable dewormer for dogs helps in the prevention and removal of large roundworms and hookworms. Double the strength, containing 4.54 mg of pyrantel pamoate per mL in a palatable, liquid formula.

Customer Review

EV from Winnipegosis shares, “A good product that is a very economic good choice. Works great, and easy to administer, not easy to expel from mouth like tablets can be at times!”


Transmission: Tapeworms are commonly spread by fleas. Dogs become infected by ingesting fleas carrying tapeworm larvae. They can also get tapeworms by eating infected rodents or other animals.


  • Weight loss despite a good appetite
  • Segments of tapeworms (resembling grains of rice) around the dog’s anus or in their feces
  • Scooting behavior
  • Irritability

Treatment: Praziquantel is a widely used dewormer for treating tapeworms. Flea control is crucial in preventing tapeworm infections.

Best tapeworm dewormer for dogs


Elanco Tapeworm Dog Dewormer 

These tablets are given orally and have proven highly effective in the removal of tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum and Taenia pisiformis) from dogs. Each tablet contains 34 mg of praziquantel.

Tablets may be crumbled and mixed with food for administration. Safe for dogs and puppies over 4 weeks of age. 

Customer Review

TF from Warm Springs says “Our 80 lb black lab ended up with fleas and then tapeworms because of that before we could eradicate the fleas. He only needed one treatment of this product and the worms were gone, and his appetite was back”


Transmission: Whipworms are transmitted through the ingestion of eggs from contaminated soil, food, or water. The eggs can remain viable in the environment for several years, making reinfection a common issue.


  • Chronic diarrhea, which may be bloody
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • General poor condition

Treatment: Dewormers such as fenbendazole and milbemycin oxime are effective against whipworms. Because whipworm eggs are hardy, it’s essential to maintain a clean environment and follow up with regular deworming treatments.

Best dewormer for whipwormsinterceptor-plus-dog-dewormer

Interceptor Plus Chewable Tablets for Dogs

Interceptor Plus prevents and controls all kinds of parasitic infections in dogs. It contains milbemycin oxime and praziquantel, which fight and control everything from mosquito-transmitted heartworms to tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms.

This medication is taken orally. It comes in the form of chewable tablets. In most cases, one tablet a month is enough to protect your dog from heartworms and intestinal parasites.


Transmission: Unlike intestinal worms, heartworms are transmitted through mosquito bites. When an infected mosquito bites a dog, it transfers heartworm larvae, which then migrate to the heart and lungs, maturing into adult worms.


  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Heart failure (in severe cases)

Treatment: Treatment for heartworm disease is complex and involves medications to kill adult worms and larvae, along with supportive care. Preventive medications are available and are crucial in areas where heartworms are common.

Best dewormer for heartwormsheartgard-plus-chews-dog-dewormer

Rx Heartgard Plus

Heartgard Plus is for use in dogs to prevent canine heartworm disease by eliminating the tissue stage of heartworm larvae (Dirofilaria immitis) for a month (30 days) after infection and for the treatment and control of roundworms (ascarids – Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma braziliense).


Transmission: Lungworms are transmitted through the ingestion of infected snails, slugs, or other intermediate hosts. Dogs can also become infected by drinking water or eating food contaminated with these hosts.


  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pneumonia
  • Bleeding disorders (in severe cases)
  • Neurological symptoms (in severe cases)

Treatment: Treatment includes dewormers like fenbendazole or ivermectin, and supportive care may be needed for respiratory symptoms. Preventive measures include controlling snails and slugs in your dog’s environment and monitoring their outdoor activities.

Best dewormer for lungwormssentry-hc-wormx-plus-7-way-dog-dewormer

Sentry HC WormX Plus 7-Way Dog Dewormer

WormX Plus 7 dewormer for dogs is Pyrantel Pamoate and Praziquantel for the control of roundworms, hookworms, and both kinds of tapeworms.

Flavored chewable tablets.

WormX Plus Small Dog (up to 25 lb) = 30 mg Pyrantel Pamoate + 30 mg Praziquantel

For puppies or small dogs weighing less than 25 lb, use 7 Way De-Wormer Chewable Flavored Dog De-Wormer Tablets for Puppies and Small Dogs. 7 Way De-Wormer Chewables are recommended for dogs 12 weeks of age or older.

WormX Plus Large Dog (over 25 lb) = 114 mg Pyrantel Pamoate + 114 mg Praziquantel

For the removal of large roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms in adult dogs or young dogs, weighing more than 25 lb, administer these tablets according to the weight of the animal.

Importance of Regular Deworming

Regular deworming helps eliminate internal parasites and prevents the spread of these parasites to other pets and humans. It is essential to consult a veterinarian to choose the best dewormer tailored to your dog’s specific needs. Over-the-counter options and natural dewormers are available, but professional advice ensures the best care for your pet.

Choosing the Right Dewormer

Prescription Dewormers

The prescription dewormers are often the most effective and safest options, targeting specific types of worms. Consult your veterinarian for the best prescription dewormer.

Besides the recommendations we gave you for each type of worm, other widely used prescription dewormers are:

Simparica Trio Dewormer

Simparica Trio is a monthly chewable treatment for dogs that offers triple protection against heartworms, ticks, fleas, roundworms, and hookworms. It starts killing fleas in just four hours and is safe for puppies from eight weeks of age.

Rx Heartgard Plus

Heartgard Plus is for use in dogs to prevent canine heartworm disease by eliminating the tissue stage of heartworm larvae (Dirofilaria immitis) for a month (30 days) after infection and for the treatment and control of roundworms (ascarids – Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma braziliense).

Interceptor Plus Chewable Tablets for Dogs

Interceptor Plus prevents and controls all kinds of parasitic infections in dogs. It contains milbemycin oxime and praziquantel, which fight and control everything from mosquito-transmitted heartworms to tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms.

This medication is taken orally. It comes in the form of chewable tablets. In most cases, one tablet a month is enough to protect your dog from heartworms and intestinal parasites.

Over-the-Counter Dog Dewormers

Sometimes it is easier to get over-the-counter dewormers, they are convenient and effective for mild infestations. Look for FDA-approved products with a proven track record.

Here are some of the best dewormers for dogs without vet prescription we recommend:

Nemex 2

Nemex 2 is a caramel-flavored suspension dewormer of pyrantel pamoate in a palatable oral liquid intended as a single treatment for the removal of large roundworms and hookworms in dogs and puppies. 

Nemex®-2 suspension may also be used to prevent reinfection of Toxocara canis in puppies, adult dogs & lactating bitches after whelping.

Quad Dewormer Chewable Tables

Bayer Quad Dog Dewormer is a broad-spectrum chewable anthelmintic. Removes common roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Safe for dogs over 3 weeks of age.

Dosage and Administration: May be given directly in the mouth or offered in a small amount of food. You should weigh your dog to make sure you are using the right size and number of tablets.

Durvet Liquid Canine Wormer

This palatable dewormer for dogs helps in the prevention and removal of large roundworms and hookworms. Double the strength, containing 4.54 mg of pyrantel pamoate per mL in a palatable, liquid formula.

Customer Review

EV from Winnipegosis shares, “A good product that is a very economic good choice. Works great, and easy to administer, not easy to expel from mouth like tablets can be at times!”

Natural Dewormers

Ingredients like pumpkin seeds, garlic, and diatomaceous earth can help expel worms naturally. However, their efficacy varies, and they may not be suitable for severe infestations.

Common side effects of deworming medications

While deworming medications are generally safe, they can cause mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. These effects are usually temporary, but consult your veterinarian if they persist or worsen.

How to prevent worm infestations

  • Maintain Good Hygiene: Clean up your dog’s waste promptly and dispose of it properly.
  • Avoid Contaminated Areas: Prevent your dog from drinking contaminated water or eating feces from other animals.
  • Regular Vet Check-Ups: Fecal exams can detect worm infestations early, allowing for timely treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best dewormer for dogs without a vet prescription?

Over-the-counter options are available and can be effective for common parasites. Always read product descriptions carefully and consult a veterinarian if unsure.

Are there any natural dewormers for dogs?

Yes, natural dewormers like pumpkin seeds, garlic, and diatomaceous earth are options, but their effectiveness varies. Consult with a holistic veterinarian before using them.

How often should I deworm my dog?

Puppies require more frequent deworming, while adult dogs typically need deworming every 3-6 months. Your veterinarian can provide a tailored schedule based on your dog’s specific needs.

Ensuring Your Dog’s Health with Proper Deworming Practices

Proper deworming involves not just treating infestations but also taking preventive measures. Consult your veterinarian to determine the best deworming schedule and treatment options for your dog. Regular deworming, combined with good hygiene and preventive care, ensures your dog remains healthy and happy.

By understanding the importance of deworming and choosing the right treatments, you can protect your canine companion from the health risks posed by worms. Regular vet consultations, effective deworming products, and preventive practices will help keep your dog free from parasites and in optimal health.